Are you tired of your team members (or yourself!) turning down networking opportunities on the golf course?
Interested in a unique team building experience that also brings unique value to your business or group?
Or read below to get learn more!
From sales to networking, a 4-hour round of golf with a beautiful background can be the perfect setting for business related relationships.... But only if it's done correctly!
Leaving the wrong impression, whether poor etiquette or rule breaking, will be even more impactful than leaving the right one. Regardless of skill level, this is something that can be done with blissful ignorance & no ill will... but that may not matter to that business contact you're trying to woo.
For this reason, many employees in position to take advantage of these networking opportunities turn them down out of fear of being judged or overall inexperience with the game.
At our core, Swing Pros Atlanta wants to grow the game of golf because we love the game of golf!
Golf can create so many unique opportunities, even as simple as networking or general bonding time over the course of 4-5 hours in a unique and beautiful setting!
Experiencing stress while playing golf is not enjoyable for you or those around you. Striking the right balance can be challenging because golf is a demanding and occasionally tense game.
This is where Swing Pros Business in Golf Clinic's come in!
Regardless of experience level, Swing Pros' Business Clinics are built to help your employees understand how to leave long-lasting impressions in what can be an intimidating and sometimes overwhelming environment. From networking to closing sales, no venue outside the office hosts more meetings than the course!
The scenarios where golf can be a powerful business tool are plentiful!
There's no need for me to list them because I know from experience that as a manager you've watched your employees turn down opportunity after opportunity. Nobody wants to be the manager who makes seemingly uncomfortable events mandatory... LET US HELP YOU IGNITE THAT SPARK!
In case you're new though, here's a short list of opportunities golf creates:
Hosting prospective & existing clients at clubs for rapport building
Being hosted by clients at their clubs & the exposure that brings
Networking by going out to golf as a single & practicing rapport building & business exposure
Joining (and even creating) scramble events for local charities - pressure free & often business first oriented!
Every scenario comes with its own branches of opportunities & challenges. While a scramble is the perfect introduction for a new golfer, throwing them into a sales day on the course wouldn't be an ideal start.
Let us help you & your employees understand how to ease into proper implementation of this business tool!
What makes this unique clinic beneficial for your team?
When a business interest invites you out to golf, it's rarely to see how refined your swing is.
Avid Golfers are intentional about spending time on the golf course with those they genuinely enjoy spending time with. In golf, the respect of many written & unwritten rules is crucial to the impact this time together leaves on your playing partners. Let us show you & your team how to impress even the most seasoned golfers, even if you're still learning the game!
Our "Business in Golf" Clinic is a segmented 2-hour session designed to help your team members better understand how to be the golf partner your next business prospect wants to spend time with! Let us cater the experience to your business principles, goals and let's learn together.
Hour 1 consists of a sit-down PowerPoint presentation and snacks (or a catered meal) in our large, comfortably furnished lounge; brought to us by Hero Donuts in Downtown Atlanta!
Years of prior sales & business experience has helped Trevor of the Swing Pros Atlanta team put together a unique presentation that answers many newcomers' questions: from preparation to the 19th hole.
Hour 1 - Overview of topics:
Why do the majority of the world's most successful businesspeople and leaders play golf?
Understand and display on-course etiquette & professionalism
How to present yourself as a golfer & set expectations
Rules basics - do's & don'ts
When & how to properly and appropriately build rapport
Timing for business talk - When to sell and when to golf

Reaching depths that no lunch meeting can challenge, the experience of 4.5 hours together in such a beautiful environment makes it so much more than a business meeting.
However, like all things in life, the company you're in often dictates the impression that's left!
Together, Kevin and Trevor come together as a team to help this power point discussion highlight what to expect before, during and after your round as well as how to present yourself in different scenarios that are bound to arise throughout your day.
Let us guide your employees to understanding and confidence in how to set themselves up for a successful day of golf before the first tee, regardless of experience or skill.
Hour 2
Now, we Golf!

The second of our hours is built around getting your team comfortable holding and swinging a golf club!
Just like young a Tiger Woods once did when learning the game, we'll start with close range putting on our 1,000 sq ft indoor putting green.
Our large group will break into smaller groups here to ensure everyone gets equal time learning games, drills and How-To's!

From putting, we'll introduce the physics and the G.A.S. (Grip, Aim, Set Up) of the golf swing by starting with small chip shots & working up to full swings in our practice bays!

One of the biggest takeaways people have from this 2 hour session?
Golf is hard!
BUT, it's hard for everyone!
As a successful businessperson, you know that there is growth in struggle
& you'd be hard pressed to find a better example of that than golf!
This is a great eye opener for people on the importance of guided instruction in the early stages of learning the game.
Sticking with lessons, and doing them early & often to begin with, is the most effective way to build a solid foundation for future success!
After this clinic, you and your team members are eligible for discounts on our Introductory Swing Analysis, a 40 Minute in-depth look at the things that make your swing go!
We at Swing Pros Atlanta truly want to help build confidence and enjoyment among those who should be golfing, but turn down opportunity after opportunity out of inexperience, poor prior experiences or any other hinderance.
Let's get your team golfing and unlock the potential golf has for your business!
Contact us to request a clinic, with details such as group size & experience, business name & a date or two you'd be interested in!