Chilly weather (& chili weather!) tend to be among the first signs that Atlanta's playable golf days are starting to wind down. While many of you will brave the high 30's when courses will let you out, most of us prefer the comfort of warm golf to putting the clubs up for the year! This is where Swing Pros indoor golf facilities come in.
As many of you know, Swing Pros consists of thousands of feet of indoor golf bliss. This includes: 3 dedicated members only practice bays, 2 dedicated private & semiprivate lesson bays and a 1,000+ sq ft putting and chipping green. The best part? It's all climate controlled!
Expected forecasts at Swing Pros Atlanta for this winter include mid to high 60's with no chance for wind chill (we do have fans on request though!) and no unexpected rain or freezing rainstorms! We are here to offer a low variable, high value environment built around helping make you a better golfer, long term.
So, besides the ability to stay warm & dry in our technology-based facility, what other reasons are there to make swing changes and growth during the winter? Well, I'm glad you asked!
As stated earlier, most of us aren't out there braving the cold to get our weekly rounds of golf in. However, during times of swing changes and major growth, this can be a great thing!
Many of us know that translating what we're learning from the instruction bay onto the golf course can be a difficult task. We work to confidently guide golfers through the specific order of: learning (and reinforcing) new piece, repetitions of new piece in low variable Swing Pros environment, repetitions of new piece in regular outside practice setting, and finally translating it on to the golf course once we no longer have to put as much thought and energy into the specific change or action. This matches the learning process we preach of unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence that so may of our students are familiar with. The more reps between point A and point B, the higher the chance of permanent change!
During golf season, when the temptation to get outside and play has very little downside, this order can be very difficult to stick to. We'll play the day of or day after a lesson and expect new changes to stick without taking the time to get in high quality repetitions first. This puts us in a situation on the course where we're dealing with dozens of other variables outside our control (not to mention actually having to hit a target), all while dealing with what can often be a very foreign feeling golf swing.
If that sounds like a great recipe for regression and frustration, it's because it is. Golfers revert to what's comfortable on the golf course and what's comfortable is often the very thing we're trying to change.
Swing Pros Golf finds success with their students using the specific order mentioned previously to help cut down on the difficulty of new, and sometimes awkward, swing changes. High quality repetitions (asap!) after learning something new is the best way to begin building feedback and understanding that LASTS. When compared to the pressures and variances of the golf course, there is no competition to which process actually helps improvement stick!
Winter gives us the advantage of not having the temptation to try to make these changes permanent by getting out and playing golf. Instead, use our technology-based practice bays to learn more about your feedback systems and data points, perfect recording & analyzing your swing, or even play low variable simulator golf!
These specifically focused practice sessions will compliment your lessons even more now in the winter than any other season!
Most years when the warm sun starts rolling back out in April, you'd start searching the back of your closet for your clubs and shoes to finally hit the range..... where you realize you're starting over from scratch. Golf is not like riding a bike, regression is real and strong.
Let's break that cycle!
This year, we want all of our clients to be grooved like never before and ready to start golf season hot! That means we have to start putting in the work now.
We look forward to working with you often this Winter and helping your game climb to new heights!
Are you a new student looking to get started with Swing Pros Atlanta?
If you're a current client who's completed a Swing Analysis, purchase a package or schedule a lesson HERE!